The best laundry solution available in the city.
Picks and delivers the clothes on time, knows that life is short and
doesn't want you to waste it on washing clothes.
Shoes, boots, jackets, t-shirts, denims, kurtis and lehangas, covers
them all.
"Everyone is busy getting their clothes done from
Laundry Craft, that I hope I too join the list soon"
by Laundry Craft February 3, 2022
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A Ukrainian Version of Minecraft but with 3 world's and more items
I miss City Craft 3 TNT Edition
Same here
by IanTehGansta69 March 21, 2022
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Before rolling a joint you take the bottom corner of a paper and twist it, then open it up like a boat to stash the goods inside. Usually used when at a party because it makes it easier to roll standing up and it stops your shit from falling out.
Person one: "Hey man you gonna roll that doobie?"
Person two: "Nah man too many fuckin people and no surface to roll on"
Person one: "Fuck that bro, just craft a boat"
Person two: "Fine dude, where would we be without boat crafting?"
by LSD-SDL February 17, 2012
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The process in which an individual or group smokes that mean kush and then proceeds to play Minecraft for hours on end
Hey Debra, would you like to Kush and Craft later tonight?
After we Kushed and Crafted, my mother picked up some pizza for us
by PutinOntheShitz February 21, 2017
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Writing an email that is structured, formal, succinct and often has illustrations. In other words, a pain in the ass to do and can sometimes take hours with a ton of re-writes.
Karen was totally pissed because she had to craft an email to a customer. She said it took most of the day only to have the customer respond with a ton of questions.
by dohneoh October 6, 2023
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A medium sized, very attractive male usually with brown eyes and an a amazing heart! If you get on his bad side, most likely you will never get off of it but will always want to. If you are nice to him he will forever love you and will never talk behind your back and will treat you with care! He is very humorous and will always cheer you up if you are upset. He will always knows what to say in rough times! He’s not always the skinniest person, but is usually very strong and extremely cute! All the girls want him! Also very good in the bed and never fails to pleasure. Everyone wants a friend like Him
-I wish I had a friend like “Ashton Craft

-yeah, me too!
by Kindest December 29, 2017
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