Someone who is very inconsiderate and only thinks for himself. Uses violence if he doesn't always gets his way. He crushes on girls that aren't even his girlfriend. Likes to "joke around".
"Did you see that Cameron?"
"Yeah dude ! He was so rude!"
by Twogirlsthatarebored March 25, 2009
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A small piece of poo that likes to fuck chicken wing sauce on a rainbow of sperm.
by lalala123456789alalalalalala86 December 29, 2011
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Some guy who's absolutely perfect.
He's smart, funny, and can be a little bitchy.

He's someone you'll meet over the internet, or over summer vacation and it'll be something that can never last/happen.
he's someone you never want to let go, and get jealous of when girls talk to him.
He'll always be older than you, but he'll have something in common with you.
To sum it all up.
Carlos: Hey, I was talking to some dude yesterday, totally arrogant- coincided, but I could tell he was really nice.
Natalee: Hahahhaa, what a Cameron.
by Niggasaywhat January 28, 2010
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A kinda funny lookin kid that replaces jokes with wierd sounds surprisingly good at sports and other things but takes it too far sometimes. He is immature and he does not care what others think. Is a good friend with a max(look up) and is often twins with a carter (look up) he no matter what gets at least one girlfriend per schoolyear
Chunky: Yo dat nigga just got tackled by his hood!!!
Jay-z: Yo, B, dont be surprised, he a straight up cameron, you feel me, and he playin football rite now, you down? Aint that right?
Random girl at school: *giggle* your funny wanna go out?
by Its_Max August 24, 2009
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A sweet guy who you will fall in love with easily. He also like to play games with your heart. Be careful, because he will break your heart very quickly and it will hurt because you probably fell in love with him very deeply.
by Broken-Heart November 16, 2011
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He'll appear to be sweet and loving. He usually is, and he'll do anything for the ones he loves. He's super funny, energetic, and loves to have fun. He seems like a flirt, and trust me--he is, but he's really shy in truth. However, greed gets to him, and sometimes he will make the wrong decisions. He charms girls and is a lady-killer, but that leads to some bad things.
Alex: Did you hear?
Janice: What?
Alex: Cameron cheated on Maria.
Janice: NO WAY? He seemed like such a nice guy!
Alex: That's Cameron for you.
by thecluelessothergirl August 2, 2011
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n . A person (usually female) who is sensitive and compassionate, especially overly or inappropriately so.

The term is a reference to Dr. Cameron from the popular FOX show "House, MD". It is rarely (if ever) heard from people who do not watch the show.
Stop being such a Cameron.
by House Fan November 10, 2006
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