To masturbate and “batch one off” a selfless act for a friend who does not have gel for their hair prior to going out.
Oh my God we’re almost at the club and my hair is a disaster, can you please batch one off for me?
by Batch One Off October 15, 2021
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A dramatic social area (most likely a class)
"Ugh, my workplace/class is so dramatic'
"Yeah, it's such a 6 proaktif ( batch 11)
by Over and over again March 18, 2023
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Mani konda is the rich area where legends live like Sridhar sarr
by Rich_28 December 23, 2019
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A group of friends over the age of 18 who have relationships with underage girls.
You hooked up with that 15 year old girl you are now in the statch batch.
by statch batch January 8, 2009
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when something is very good.
For example if you ordered a pizza and it looked peng u would say
'YO thats a loud batch cuz'
by ZMP March 8, 2022
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GIRL1:Wooaaahh how ugly does she look?
GIRL2:Worse than a batch of crap!
by guesswhhhoo?? December 6, 2008
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stole my batch;the taking of a young man's virginity or v-card
I don't remember the name of the first girl who stole my batch.
by bubbles213* August 5, 2008
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