Masquerades as a hetorosexual dealer,(aka bum bandit) Claims to not suck dick also lies alot.( Refers to himself as DK which is short for Dick King. famous for his Motto (A dick a day is the DK way)
Kyle West (DK) wants to be Diddy
by Tepoigayboy May 1, 2024
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A whiteboy who is in tune with Detroit street or music culture. Street names are used interchangeably (12 mile, 8 mile, 6 mile, etc...) but "Kyle" is immutable.
Kwan: Wow who is that handsome young man filming a music video for his hit single, King of Farmington?

TJ: That is Clooner. He is the King of Farmington. He is certified nine mile Kyle. Respect him.

Kwan: Oh, wow. He IS the King of Farmington. I will respect him.
by YoloKushMcBlade December 20, 2022
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she loves ben and all ways calls him dover
u are kylee norman
by lkfndknkjnvjdf May 19, 2022
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sexy girl whose soulmate is usally a Ben or Ryder Kylee Norman is the Best girlfriend ever and a guys love She does her schoolwork and has 3 AMAZING BESTIES
She is such a Kylee Norman
by K norman May 19, 2022
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Some random guy from the streets that probably ate a extremely long pickle for breakfast. Kyle S. likes to tell jokes and will laugh at nearly everything, this guy is a guy because he isn't a female so he was automatically a male not by choice.
Yo is that Kyle S.?

Yeah boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!
by BreathingHumanPersonLiving February 23, 2021
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Typically and engine-nerd with a propensity to dissect and verbally admonish all your actions despite the fact that it has absolutely no effect on him. A strong exhale of disappointment is usually followed after you experience the strong wrath of disgust and disappointment in you while never uttering a word of profanity however you then walk away with the feeling of “what a dick!!!”
Defined as; Kyle is the new Karen, and hates guacamole but watched me cut the avocado horizontally then yelled and huffed that I was doing it wrong, chill dude, just leave it alone man your such a Kyle!
by Kyle the new Karen December 9, 2021
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