It's like turn up ( highly intoxicated) but instead you are focused (with the assistance of ADD medications such as Adderall, Vvyvanse or Ritalin) and are extra focused on school. It simply makes even the most boring subjects sort of cool.
being defined as taking prescription medication such as address to increase performance in school work. " First we learn up then we turn up" (First we take an adderall, do all our school work and then celebrate by drinking excessively)

Being defined as learnt up means your on scholastic steroids
by magsvocabs December 9, 2015
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ThatEmeraldPro's catch phrase for when he mean's to make something look better or sexy.
"Ok we are just gonna start spicing it up out here."
by ThatEmeraldPro July 8, 2016
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The Art of basing up involves smoking, watching Adam Sandler movies/MTV reality, and ordering uber eats. Basing up for longer amounts of time earns more respect among the base up community.
‘Are you basing up at ours tonight?’
‘Yeah bro, ultimate base up tonight’
by Base-Up Maestro May 1, 2021
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The act of sitting and doing nothing for a whole day, watching bad tv and watching Adam Sandler movies.
Sayin, you basing up at ours tonight?’
by Base-Up Maestro May 1, 2021
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Taking your high to the next level
"I just got higher up after using the bong i got from that local smoke shop."
by Higher Up Smoke March 2, 2022
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