That kid that always acts tough and acts like a gangster. YOU get on his bad side, he gonna dog on you on Fortnite.
Ishmeet: You finna run duos with me
Omar s: Lets 1v1 im about to dog on you
by DRAKOLESSGO January 20, 2022
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Omar is smart except for math
“Omar is failing Geometry
by oogaboogabbc October 23, 2022
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A very shy guy with a big cock to share. Spares no one , often gets stuck in the washer and is helped by his step sister. Likes to live alone and only drill chicks in his dreams.
by Maulvi sanaullah November 22, 2021
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Your number one valorant eboy with a soft voice. He cares a lot for others and is quite the selfless person. he is obsessive, possessive, and clingy to people he likes. and he pulls every single girl because hes the boss. Despite this theres no girls in his dms. He is.... Diamond 1...
Girl 1: Omg is that him?
Girl 2: Yes girl, its Omar!!! the best eboy known to all people >.<
Boy 1: I heard he plays every girl he talks to
Girl 1: Oh no hes too sweet for that
Omar: >:)
by BiggestppMAN69420 May 12, 2023
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He takes a lot of L’s and he is a kind friend who’s there for his homies and is from Tanzania. It takes 3 years for him to respond to messages and you have 1 out of 10 chances of communicating with him through phone.
Goddamn Omar didn’t pick up the phone, as usual.
by Evertonguy November 23, 2021
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If you ever meet omar, you will know that he is a ''pretty'' man, everyone thinks that he will look gorgeous as a girl omar's usually have big eyes with long eyelashes and curly hair and there pretty smart to
Hey Omar! Can you help me with my math homework?
by M+A=FOREVER March 14, 2023
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It is an Arabic Boys name. People who r called omar are so hot and attractive they have a great personality but you can't tell if they have a crush on you or not . Omar is a best friend, a brother, a boyfriend all in one human
I miss omar

My name is omar

I love omar so much
by Who dis ? October 31, 2021
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