A white boy who pretends to be black. He speaks crazily to himself, even when no one is around. No one likes him, but he thinks they do. He lives a sad life, entrenched in the blood of young children.
Justin is such a white boy pretending to be black.

Justin is over there speaking crazily to himself.

What's up with Justin and that children's blood?
by poo12t October 21, 2008
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Exact recplicant of Thad. Also known at times to change from Thad into a huge fag. Huge gamer, addicted to watching a pixeled screen for atleast 18 hours a day. When this doesnt happen he slips into a havoc state causing the shrinking of the penis and the attention of ugly chicks.
"Dude Justin do u want to go party over at mitch's tonight"
"Cant dude I got a raid and u know what happens when I skip game time!"
by Devon!!!!!!!!!!!1111111 January 4, 2008
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The coolest person in the world who is looking for X. Also, known as J-Lo, Harold and Joe Louis.
by TheVisionary August 24, 2010
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Jersey Shore wanna be. Needs to learn to shut the fuck up. Mad creeper.
Look at that Homo in the sparkly shirt! He must be a Justin!
by Ivanna Bebadd January 25, 2011
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The name Justin usually belongs to a boy that is completely up himself. He likes to blame others and make them feel like crap. People who usually are around a Justin, get hurt and upset so it is always best to avoid them. This is why Justins will soon become loners.
He upset me so much last night' 'Was he a Justin?' 'Yes, how did you know?
by Monztar June 21, 2010
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"Wow the guy's dick was in another man's asshole? Must be a Justin"
by Poopster McGeezy October 11, 2008
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