The act of filling the water tank on a toilet with Barbasol shaving cream then pooping on top of it.
Tony put a sausage in a cloud inside my toilet! Took me 30 flushes to clear it all out.
by Gmsisd January 17, 2017
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meaning that a woman shakes salt on the partners penis giving a scratching feeling during intercourse
one night I gave my boyfriend a salt sausage, it gave me vagal scratches
by R-LACK January 9, 2010
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A really nutritious and powerful meal. Even more powerful when comes it comes back out.
I won't eat sausage and beans before a sex night. That would add a strange parfum to the scene.
by ANONIMOYSYMOUS. BITCH. November 2, 2017
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A fart that smells like cured meat
Mmmmm, I smell sausage. Don't know what you're used to where you come from but I think that's an air sausage.
by JoshinLVNY May 14, 2021
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Ah man we learned how the sausage gets made last night, wink wink…”
“This is why we don’t hang out Dave”
by ImsorrybutIhadtoo January 7, 2022
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adj. when a female is on top during intercourse but because of a lacking of rhythm she folds your dick in half.
She is good in bed but I can't let her be on top cause she is a real sausage chopper.
by Super Steve May 17, 2017
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When a female shits in a condom,ties it off and uses it as a dildo
Susan could not find her purple dildo so she made a sausage dildo
by Big jhonny February 24, 2016
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