1. A mid-19th century fairy-tale by author Karl Marx that builds on the earlier fairy-tale of Socialism, and describes a society in which industries are motivated as effectively by the mystical concept entitled the "public good" as they are in the real world by the evolutionary principle of personal gain with no oversight to define the "public good" and no need for merits or reprimands.

2. An extreme form of collectivism in which everything is produced and distributed collectively and no attention is given to the need to decide what should be produced and in what quantities in any effective way, much less to the need to motivate anyone to actually produce it.
None. Communism does not exist. It is impossible. There are no historical examples. "Communist" countries like the USSR and China operate a system of brutal totalitarian Socialism, and openly admit that they "operate a Socialist system that will according to them eventually evolve into Communism". Communes and co-operatives that work within larger systems are NOT examples - these are private companies that are owned by their employees. They have a larger market to respond to in order to know what to produce, are profit-based, and have a system for firing free-loaders.
by EngineerofSouls July 4, 2010
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A political and economic system that rejects the concept of personal ownership of property in favour of having all the wealth in the government's hands, and supplying necessary, and possibly luxury, goods to the population according to the individual's, and the mass's, needs.

This system is inefficient on a larger scale because of greediness and sloth, as in, many people taking more than they need and giving less than they can, although in a Kibbutz, or commune, this system is fairly efficient when coupled with some lenience regarding personal property (As in, allowing the capitalist based system of currency, but still keeping the economy run exclusively by the Kibbutz or commune management).
"To each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" ~ Exert from the Communist Manifesto.

The communist party garners the working class vote through promises of equality.

Communism is the economic antonym of capitalism.
by Tanktunker February 2, 2007
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It is a phrase you say when you do not want to share any of your belongings, whether its food or personal belongs. It may also work on choosing mating partners.
yo, did you go to the supermarket?

friend replies, yes and i got some Doritos

You better hide it before your roommates come.

Friend, don't worry, i wrote not community on it!
by OmegaL December 11, 2009
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a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common.
"the scientific community"
by Kāpena Girl May 7, 2019
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Dude 1: Look at my money dude.

Dude 2 after turning on communism: u mean our money.
by Drip man 69 October 25, 2022
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When developers put women or minorities in video games.
Under communism, all video game girls will have buff arms- Karl Marx

Thats funny, they made her arms buff, making her look.. tough - Joseph Mccarthy
by Carbon_Coffee July 1, 2020
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There is no I there is we
My little sister believes in communism when I got an old computer
by Intellectual Pringle July 18, 2020
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