Pooping in the shower and smashing it down the drain with your foot.
Garlic pressing - I had to go so bad that I garlic pressed that shit.
by Bdubbs281 July 4, 2018
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Defined as the bad quality burgers served in less than desirable joints which when cooked give off a horrible garlic type smell which resonates through the air for miles from the restaurant extractor. Normally found on the province of Magaloof on the Spanish island of Majorca.
Dude “Man, what is that disgusting smell that keeps blowing down wind?

Chick “Dude, it’s those Garlic-Mingin’-Burgers they serve down there…you can get a frickin’ egg put on top too, how weird is that man?!

Local Amigo “Hey man, that be some mighty fine local fricassee you be cussin’ there!”
by _clint November 8, 2010
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1. When you tell someone off, cuss someone out, and/or set someone straight for their toxic behavior.

2. To not back down when you think you're right.
3. When someone is just not having it.
1. John is on Facetime with his merchant roasting garlic over a bad shipment.

2. If anyone wants smoke, come on, I'm roasting garlic.

3. We're roasting garlic for any bullshit that they come with.
by 1dafo0l November 3, 2020
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a sentence used by garlic bread antis to basically say that garlic bread is against the law
bro i think that guy thinks Garlic bread is illegal
by choco (real!) December 24, 2021
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roasted garlic summer sausage
roasted garlic summer sausage

roasted garlic summer sausage

roasted garlic summer sausage
roasted garlic summer sausage

roasted garlic summer sausage

roasted garlic summer sausage

roasted garlic summer sausage
by the-pancake-man February 18, 2023
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Your new shoes are really stylish
Yes they are the new garlic bread!
by Bumpkinsmithe December 20, 2016
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A seasonal plant commonly used by chefs in cooking but randomly called out in chef pages by douchey chefs in attempts to appear humorous or in need of attention.
wild garlic
by beachedmango March 17, 2016
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