whhen you forgget to have sex with your diamondv
brexit. hsgu
by jblknm., June 19, 2022
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Sexual position. When u promise to pull out but you don't.
Ugh jack is such a fuckface be pulled a brexit on me last night
by A_really_annoying_person November 9, 2019
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To agree to ejaculate outside but change your mind at the last minute
He told me not to use a condom because he'd throw up outside, but guess what, he brexited
by Tashrifm August 10, 2021
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'Jesus, Mary and Joseph and the wee donkey, who thought that Brexit would be anything other than a Cataclysmic fuck up.'
by TegTed June 7, 2022
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Onomatopoeic word, sounding like an involuntary sneeze, which results in spraying snot and saliva over those nearest to you.
by jakk54 March 25, 2019
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The nasty shit you take after breakfast, which generally involves a fair amount of regret.
gonna have a fag, oop! brexit!
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