A girl that acts really crazy.
That girl is acting really crazy, she seems like a Sarah.
by Anonymousweeaboo June 12, 2017
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A "sarah" is a boomer who tries to act like there not one.
Person 1: ye I'm for reals down with the kids
Person 2: shut up Sarah
by Rainbow_hair September 5, 2020
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Sarah is the type of person that can get you to smile no matter whats going on in your life, she tells her self she isnt pretty or sexy but this just makes it even more true. Sarah is known for falling for a guy and not letting go its an amazing thing if the guy falls for her to. And to be honest this guy all ready has, he is just wateing to make sure she feels the same😘
I met Sarah at the lake and she changed my life for ever.💙
by Drake154 December 4, 2016
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the most gorgeous, beautiful, smart, wonderful, amazing girl in the entire world. She is so kind and no body in their right mind would not appreciate her. On the plus side, she tends to have the sexiest body known to man kind. like guys, we are talking about a 10 even on a "bumin it" kinda day. Any guy lucky to be dating her is easily the luckiest son of a bitch on the face of the planet.
"dude, did you see jake?"
"yeah, man. i heard he is dating Sarah!!"
by gingersnap123456 December 22, 2011
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a short blonde angel of a girl. As beautiful as she is, she won't believe it when u tell her. She has an amazing personality and seems to make friends wherever she goes. She works hard at everything she does, from bowling practice to schoolwork. She is bursting at the seams with life, and simply being around her can put you in a happy mood. She may not be perfect, but she's as close as you can get. If you are a guy lucky enough to gain her trust and eventually her love, do not mess it up, or you will regret it forever. She will not give her love to just any old guy, and if she says she truly loves you, you will feel like the happiest man in the world. Her love can comfort you in time of sadness, excite you when your bored, calm you down when you're at your angriest, and completely improve your life. If you ever find yourself a girl like this, hold on and never let go. She is worth the world and more.
"hey bud, how are things between u and Sarah?"

"really awesome actually. She said she loves me yesterday and I feel amazing!"
by Harles 93 October 11, 2011
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The true Queen of Narnia, Married to King Edmund.
And so It came to pass that Edmund, heart stricken with love for Sarah, married her and made her queen.
by glamgirlsg December 6, 2010
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