I was initially only going to be gone for a minute, but once I was in the bathroom I realized I needed to put the parking brake up.
by birdlaunch7 April 5, 2009
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A phrase said, usually while gaming, but can be applied at any point in life, when one feels unstoppable or after achieving a difficult task.
Synonyms: Winning
In CS:GO, friends are playing. It gets down to 5 vs 1. The 1 makes an ace by killing all 5 opposing players. He shouts over the mic, "Ain't No Brakes on the Rape Train!!!"
by Iceguy June 4, 2015
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A phase invented for females to use instead of Smash the Granny, meaning to have sex, fuck, bonk or shag.
"Are you going to have fun with that guy tonight"
"Yeah, I'm going to Brake his Grandpa's Cane"

"He said he wanted to Smash the Granny out of me, what he didnt expect was for me to Brake his Grandpa's cane before he could even undo my braC
by Mathias Leonardo May 19, 2010
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the resulting illumination from the car in front repeatedly hitting the brakes at 40 mph or less on a highway,due to the extreme age of the (usually,but not necessarily)female driver
After driving from little rock to Branson, mo.,My eyes were burning from all the BLUE HAIRED BRAKE LIGHTS.
by lickalottery June 2, 2010
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The result of a police officer pulling someone over for a traffic violation in Rhode Island. All the people in the state have to stop - not slow down, but fully stop - as they pass the vehicle that's been pulled over to see if it's someone they know. And thus, a single state trooper pulling over someone for speeding during rush hour can grind traffic on the interstate to a complete halt for more than fifteen minutes.
"My commute home should only take 20 minutes, but never takes less than an hour because of the Flashing-lights Brake-dance and the fact that people forget where the fuck Route 4 is every afternoon."
by JustAnotherGuy March 8, 2010
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Whenever a straight person stops themself in the mist of a gay act or statement.
Matt: He has a nice body, look at how his skin glows under the moon light

Jacob:Dude! pump ya homo brakes
by jacob&matt got jokes August 11, 2010
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When ones tailgating you so close you can not see their headlights. You proceed to slam on your brakes then immediately punch the throttle entering v-tec.
Ole J was driving along an old kentuky road when out of nowhere "someone" proceeds to tailgate him. Ole J's first reaction was to brake check to v-tec this guy and leave him in his dust.
by NA&CH August 13, 2009
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