Up her own arse. Selfish, mean, rude. BIG BULLY. Unlike like most females she's tall which gives her a big ego. Also eats pineapple on pizza🤮
You're such an Ellen Daskerino!. STOOOOOOOOPUH
by Whitty2187 June 4, 2020
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A legend that is amazing at singing and dancing and acting. Beautiful and is the best of the friend group
Friend 1: Who’s the best in our friend group?
Friend 2: Defo rani-ellen
by BarackObama_420 November 27, 2022
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Crazy, she was crazy once, they locked her in a room, a rubber room, a rubber room with rats, rats make her crazy
Whats wrong with them?
Theyre a dirty ellen
by Deep in da blowhole July 21, 2023
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The best friends in the world they r strong beautiful and a little bit crazy but don't let the haters get them down
by Hiya I'm cool November 29, 2017
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What can I say about Ellen-may Knight. she is really only happy when food is in front of her. once i saw her push a old lady over and run away with all of her shopping.......because she was hungry! you may think she looks hot and sweet, but when you get to know the real Ellen-may knight you will think twice about asking her out and just staying good friends. :)
Ellen-may Knight
by tedd22 November 28, 2011
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Ellen Kilgallon is a sufferer of Slapsmas which takes place Christmas day.
Aw don't wanna be an Ellen Kilgallon on Xmas day.
by CiaraRoxxox September 13, 2011
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