Phrase used to describe the act of masturbation
Ronnie- "That nude scene was the best. I think I'm gonna go let the doves fly."

Bobby-"yea good idea."

...10 min later...

Bobby-"the doves are free my friend."
by The BeanMastur February 15, 2014
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A euphemism for getting it on. Inspired by the iconic 1984 Prince song and his generally undeniable sexual magnetism. The man used his guitar to create a giant penis silhouette during the 2006 Super Bowl halftime show, for crying out loud.
1. I took that girl home and we made doves cry.

2. (Standing outside the door of two people having sex) This is what it sounds like when doves cry. You're a man now.

The word "cry" can be modified to reflect how good the sex was:

3. Girl: He only made doves weep a little.

4. Guy: We totally made doves bawl.
by NewsmanRob January 13, 2011
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One of the dirtiest sexual acts possible.
If you know someone who is willing to partake in this, they are really, really dirty, and will literally do anything for you.
Man, she was so dirty, she even let me do two turtle doves.....
by J4miem December 24, 2010
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1 To fart.
2 to shit.
3 anything that smells really bad

see also applefish
Chris came in, and I had to release the doves.
by lord xaero April 12, 2004
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to have a saw ass from eating very spicy food after consuming drugs and alchol
"man im blipped and pissd i need summit spicy" next day....
"wish i hadnt had the kebab and chili sauce"
by Sam .f June 1, 2003
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One of Prince's hits. It features in his film, 'Purple Rain' and it was voted the best song of 1984.
"This is what it sounds like when doves cry'
by princesraindance July 30, 2017
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Tag used as a warning for extremely disturbing content in a work, often fanwork.
This fanfiction is tagged with "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat". I’m sensitive, so I won’t read it.
by nopseudosavailable May 15, 2019
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