somebody that is obsessed with taking/consuming the drug cocaine
'got soo high last night man !'

'jesus turning into a caine head it seems'
by useful tender December 16, 2013
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A very small man that is cool.
Callum Cain also has a big penis
Guy: You have a small penis
You: No I'm a Callum Cain
by Benlikeslily May 8, 2019
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Cockney rhyming slang for cocaine.

Caine is known for his pronounced Cockney accent. Cockney rhyming slang replaces works with ones that rhyme - “apples and pears” for stairs, “pork pies” for lies (and further shortened to “porkies”), etc. With an English accent, “Michael” sounds a bit like “my-co.” Add in his last name, and Michael Caine becomes slang for Peruvian marching powder.
“Are you coming the the party tonight? Make sure to bring your mate Michael Caine”
by Stabitha Christie July 9, 2023
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Cain is a really hot guy, its awesome living on ki.
by gracie12 May 6, 2021
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The fun guy (Caindace being the fun gal). The one everybody knew and liked. Nobody liked Abel, it wasn't fun to be him.
Cain (or Caindace) seemed like the exciting one to be around, he (or she) always melted people's hearts like liquid plasma.
by The Original Agahnim December 18, 2021
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Sweet,sexy,kind,some times a dick,and in love with a girl names Kattie Gay
I love Cain
by Lover20001111111111 May 9, 2017
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A based Trango male. Normally of russian descent and maimed in some way. Shows dominance via displays of grand violence and is also an extreme libertarian to the point of death. He is also really cool and better than Winona, Croft, Jagua, Kuwagata and is an equal to vito
Cain is also really cool and better than Winona, Croft, Jagua, Kuwagata and is an equal to vito
by CiaphusCainStan May 24, 2023
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