The welsh are a group of people who bang sheep till they die and begin to rot.
by GayPhister February 10, 2020
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welsh is a description of jibberish where nobody can understand what you’re saying
Friend 1: djrndifnendifnsnekfjfndjej
Friend 2: what language is that
Me: probably welsh
by Origonal October 9, 2019
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Most commonly known as Adam. Welsh is a term used for dirty mouth breathers who bum fuck sheep at least 4 times a week, if a Welsh fails to do this at least 4 times they usually resort to incest. You will normally find these "Welsh" on the streets as they are all homeless.
WARNING: if you see a "Welsh" (Adam's) make sure to wear a mask as it will get stinky.
person 1: "ew its a Welsh"
person 2: "NO... its an Adam"
by dirty sock licker 27 May 4, 2023
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a more common definition of someone who is sexually attracted to sheep
Is that guy over there fucking a sheep?
Don't worry, he's Welsh
by MM4000 January 26, 2020
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A batshit short welsh bird who likes to mutilate other players on rebirth island.. can get particularly bitchy if your stupid enough to make sexist comments..especially regarding sandwiches.. rages like a madwoman on the regular and uses insults like “I hope your mother burns your curry”
Where the **** did that come from?? You raging welsh midget
by Quackofski81 May 11, 2022
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I love you welsh apple
this word describes the best whalesh apple in da word its the best in da word he getz da bitches
i sucked Welsh Apple off the other day
by Torny420 May 24, 2023
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The welsh crumble symbolises the proverbial spineless welsh man combining the words "crumble" and the dirty term "welsh".

Used in context -

"That Jonathan Russell, he's a welsh crumble" - meaning he is spineless or weak; or
"crouch, set, bind, engage, welsh crumble" - referring to the welsh scrum; or
"i'm going to turn her vagina into a welsh crumble" - referring to a dirty welsh pudding.

Notably, very similar to the term "wetty", "wet lettuce" or "pussyhole" alike, and can be used in similar ways.
"That Jonathan Russell, he's a welsh crumble" - meaning he is spineless or weak; or
"crouch, set, bind, engage, welsh crumble" - referring to the welsh scrum; or
"i'm going to turn her vagina into a welsh crumble" - referring to a dirty welsh pudding.
by Jayballs69 April 11, 2018
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