A computer that the school sends you.

What you are bound to get in a school computer:

Old hardware

Bad Antivirus software

Extremely strict parental controls

The inability to download anything

Internet Explorer

An old integrated graphics card

The desire to buy a more powerful PC and then break your school computer over one of the teachers' heads

The desire to force the school to pay for said PC
"Uggh, this school computer is shit. I can't even change the background"

"Dude, I feel your pain. "

"Fuck this piece of shit. I'm gonna go save up for a better computer"

"Yeah, me too."
by Myswea T. Balls April 3, 2010
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a piece of shit. The router is a total trash can which someone has previously shat in.
Person 1: School wifi is shit!
Person 2: True
by TheExtremeEvoker September 7, 2018
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A place where people age 14-18 are required to go to. Text books are outdated by 15 to 20 years and most teachers spend more time telling the class about their personal life than actually teaching. Also, many teachers double as coaches for the schools sports teams, and would rather talk about last night's game than explain the lesson. The gym teacher will make you feel like shit and the health teacher will tell you never to have sex one (you'll get AIDS and die!) and will then procede to show you a video on birth control and how to use condoms.

In my high school experience, I didn't really see any real cliques. It wasn't like the preps only hung out with the preps and the goths only hung out with the goths. But maybe that was just my school.

High school is also home to insane dress codes, shitty food, graffiti, fights, vicious rumors, and noting that will prepare you for the real world.

However, high school is still way better than middle school.
At my high school the heater never worked, people huffed glue in the bathrooms, my chemistry teacher told me I would go nowhere in life, and approximately forty percent of the students were involved in a gang.
by AsiraYa July 11, 2008
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New York City's university-safehouse for: gay culture, poetry, fashionistas, socialism, the old Greenwich Village, study abroad, polygots, film, screenwriters, designer handbags, outdoorsy people, Eleanor Roosevelt, DKNY, fair trade, Union Square, Rosie the Riveter, vegetarians, perfumes, Brooklynites, wild hipsters, public parks, animal rights, dancers, tree planters, rap music, Sierra Club members, feminists, vegans, tattoos, video games, piercings, slam poetry, FEED bags, anime, hip hop, Democrats, nudists, Cambodia, hands-on teaching, retired beatniks gone professor, small dorms, colorful dorms, Tennessee Williams, organic food, Koreans, Africa, The University in Exile, graffiti, protests, thrift store clothes, bamboo, courtyards, Strand addicts, Lorraine Hansberry, volunteers, recycling, bicycles, animators, politics, comic books, people who vote, couchsurfers, chain smokers, runners, Jack Kerouac, Langstas, composting, thespians, Take Back the Night, straight-A students, explorers, architecture, Buddhists, Forbidden Planet lovers, Matisyahu, illustrators, international students, Marc Jacobs, James Baldwin, proud New Yorkers, bon vivants, programmers, block parties, cellists, fruitarians, bookworms, relief workers, refugees, old souls, backpackers, authors, sex therapists, jazz, Atheists, optimists, world leaders, Dr. Ruth, the color red, the color orange, diplomas, drawing pencils, Bea Arthur, the color yellow, Utrecht supplies, and (of course) insane homework loads.
The New School will make your brain explode into a million flashing colors. I love it.
by Rooftops91 September 12, 2010
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A horrible place you go after elementary school. Usually 6th, 7th, and 8th grades. Tons of posers, and wanna be emos. 30% of the girls are sluts. Relationships seldom last more than 3 weeks and are never serious. Middle School is the hellhole of everyones life.
middle school is bad.
by Maserati June 24, 2007
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To be majorly horny at school. To want sex with a fellow student.
Peter gives me a bad case of school horniness. I always have a need for him when I see him.
by Lbooks93 November 29, 2006
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