Excited for, stoked for, Or to get hyped. Positive Vibes!
That’s so whipped man.
Oh bro, I'm so WHIPPED for the festival tonight!
Your shirt makes me so whipped!
by mombebs August 6, 2019
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Being completely controlled by your Girlfriend/Boyfriend.
by taaaaa January 17, 2014
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When a person is completely and utterly whipped by one/or more people. It is to be on a short lead ready to do whatever and whenever she wants. They are completely dominated and at the complete mercy of their girlfriend that there really isn't much man left in them anymore. Common slang words associated with Whipped - little bitch, dutch pussy, sexual slave. Usually people with this type of problem have extremely small penises or are virgins.
Man one: "Ollie is such a whipped bitch and needs to grow a sack"
Man two: "I know where is Kat's little pet?"
by Paul Mellor May 16, 2011
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What Jungkook is for Jimin.
Just saw a BTS video, and man, Jungkook is whipped.
by Natalia Cc June 17, 2019
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Always taking what you want or receiving orders from another gender. Also following her around and being her bitch.
why is Andrew always following Melissa? He must be whipped on her
by DrifterR32 February 18, 2015
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Being completely controlled by your boyfriend/girlfriend in an absurd way.
Her boyfriend is whipped.

Zaxx stopped producing to watch his girlfriend do flips all day because he is whipped.
by Monkeynut49 June 15, 2015
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