Fond of or given to texting. Tending to text a great deal.
"My aunt is so textative, she never calls and her texts are miles long." He is so textative, he needs a mega keyboard for his phone.
by Pluscurieux July 11, 2021
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When you aren’t replying a lot via text.
You aren’t being very textative.
by Judiva January 10, 2019
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someone who texts a lot.
Are you okay? I haven't heard from you. You've been less textative lately.
by whatlolawants May 9, 2011
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When a person has much to say during a texting conversation. Usually resulting in multiple, poly-page texts.
Sarah was really textative last night, she even came up with this term. She had a lot on her mind.
by TandemTuba November 28, 2010
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Used like talkative but for texting. If someone is texting the a VERY long text.
You’re not replying very much. You’re not very textative today.
by Surpreet Kaur May 5, 2019
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is something that happens 9 out of 10 times when the "faded" state of mind transition occurs.
Sorry about the delayed texting, I am a little faded right now.
by Branden J. Fox. February 5, 2012
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