Phonetek: meaning is similar to "word rember the days when people talked on the phone when making plans" or it could mean "yo what you saying i didnt feel like calling you on the phone to find out"
Me: yo phone tek homey
You: nothin jus chillin
by listedsandman December 31, 2010
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I have such a little phone compared to Olivias' big phone!
by Patrick star jr. January 11, 2016
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A flower case is one of those "aesthetic" cases all the indie girls have.
flower phone cases are "so in"
by cake lover 180 November 11, 2020
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Phenomena where a song or music sounds better depending on the amount of alcohol (beer) consumed. Like beer goggles for the ears.
At first I thought this band sucked, but now that I have my beer phones on, they sound pretty good.
by retrohgmr March 4, 2010
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Someone making a loud condescending phone call in public, especially as a way to show off.
Power phoning I wonder if there is someone on the other end putting up with being power phoned, because if someone tried to say that to me I'd tell them to try and say that to me in person, and then hang up.
by Music_Is_Forever July 2, 2022
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The thing you make when some idiot is blowing up your phone and you happen to be in bed or on the couch and don't want to continue to be bothered but don't feel like messing with the phone to turn the ringer, off or decline the call, so you stuff it under the mattress or between cushions.
That was you calling last night? I thought it was that bitch Jill again about the ten dollars I owe her so I put you in a phone sandwich.
by rabidbilly May 17, 2014
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