The meaning of "let's just be friends" is a phrase used to show that they don't view your relationship in a romantic way, it doesn't that they just wanna leave you for a asshole because that is not the case if you think that..... Shut the fuck up and stop thinking that every girl or guy you like is gonna like you and get into your pants because guess what life isn't fair so please don't keep thinking that us girls or guys say "Let's just be friends" are saying that because they just want to lead you on. No shut up and get some help and respect people's requests and stop worrying about your own thank you.
Guy or girl: "Hey I really like you and I think we should be together in a romantic way"

Guy or girl:" I'm sorry but I don't feel that same way but I really value our friendship so let's just be friends if that's okay" (sorry if it the sentence isn't correct)

A decent human being response: "I understand and I would be okay if we we're still friends or I respect you're decision and I understand."

A no person just please don't be like this person: "oh so you're not gonna accept me a good guy or girl who will treat you right and give you everything instead you'll leave me for a person who will treat you terrible and...." you already know where this is going
by JJ_lovely December 13, 2020
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Phrase that can be used to exit a variety of situations, such as an intense argument, an, extended phone conversation, to ponder an important decision,
Example 1 Patterner number one: I need you to give me an answer now. We've been discussing this for ever, and you need to make a decision immediately!!!!!
Partner number 2: Okay. Imma let my chili cool for awhile! I will get back with up.

Example 2: After you have been on a two hour phone conversation, and your friend begins to tell you the same story for the fourth time. "Hey I mma let my chili cool talk to ya soon "
by mharmelink January 25, 2023
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when your friend is horny and needs someone to sex with, so you decide to help him/her and say Let me SOS you.
hey buddy, do you need help? Let me SOS you.
by Mr.vaseline July 24, 2022
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June 3rd is national let a gay person in your house day so let those gays in your home!
It’s national let a gay person in your house day, let’s invite Jerry over and maybe his boyfriend too
by Whispy.boi June 4, 2023
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A quote said by the Lich King himself, in the end of the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King patch 3.3 "Fall of the Lich King" cinematic. Easily the most epic quote in video game history.
by weeqo789 December 24, 2016
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This phrase is misogynistic. It represents everything wrong with our culture today. This phrase refers to women and how they should stay in the kitchen where they so called belong.
Just, let em cook.
by Simp_leStones March 31, 2023
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Stephanie always says she is going to “let the dog out” when leaving for her lunch break.
by MiddleChild2 October 21, 2022
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