everybody in the discord server can harass the staff or owner and nobody can do anything about it
fuck the staff week is this week
by amegeus October 11, 2022
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A beer drinking game where the players wear a Snuggie as a "cloak" and a roll of duct tape around their wrist. As the players keep drinking, each new beer is taped to the top of their ongoing "staff", and the beer must be drank as such. The first to make a staff equal to their height wins, but only by screaming, "you shall not pass!"
I kicked ass last night at Wizard Staffs.

Have you seen his Wizard Staff? It's so big. I think he is going to win if he doesn't pass out.
by FUBAI2 March 16, 2021
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A pengu That can talk...And has a really small penis but his name is Thomas...Why...But he can work computers and owns a discord sever...For some reason but he has a steam account and has friends...And is a bloody jerk and is a jerk and is very very large ;)....
The high staff is very smart kinda.......Sort of....Not at all ok...
by Chubba Fett December 30, 2017
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A term for a room that is not being used for it's original purpose, as one may imagine that not much coffee making happens backstage at an adult satellite TV broadcaster. Particular items which may also exist in this room can be referenced in a similar fashion; depending whether or not the speaker believes it is used more or less in the circumstance of a workplace where everyone probably spends most of their time on-set or 'doing things' in the toilets.
"We built it as a conservatory but it's turned into more of a greenhouse."
"Got yourself a Babestation Staff-Room then have you?"

Discussing potential new properties with the wife;
"Do we really need an extra bedroom? I can see it getting used about as much as the kettle in the Babestation Staff-Room!"

Buying a used-car;
Dealer: "I can assure you it's only done 50 thousand miles!"
Buyer: "I don't think so, it looks like it's been used more than the plug-socket in the Babestation Staff-Room!"
by Jamesn331 December 1, 2013
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A Go’a’uld weapon used by the Jaffa in the show Stargate-SG1. The weapon discharges a large orange energy bolt upon firing, capable of blasting through solid rock given six or seven shots. There is also a more powerful cannonlike version which can easily rip through a tank in one or two shots
The Jaffa always cary a staff weapon with them
by General Sanders January 4, 2021
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Staff that works on the streaming platform Twitch.tv, often called Clowns due to not abiding to their own Terms Of Service and clowning around.
Twitch staff doesn't ban Alinity, they're a bunch of horny clowns.

Twitch staff clowning around again..
by TwitchClowns December 2, 2019
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Anything's a dildo if your brave enough
Hey man, nice sword, you could use that as a rape staff.
by Stanist9696,6969 November 27, 2017
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