A boring-but-necessary bit of drudgery that must be performed every so often on your Facebook and other online "this is me and my life" pages, to ferret out and delete any derogatory/offensive/useless content that a few lazy-a** hoodlums with excessively-temperish personalities (and an unwillingness to merely talk to you directly/privately if they have a gripe with you about something, instead of just splashing their whimpery B.S. all over your profile's comments-section) and/or way too much time on their hands have posted there, so that other viewers of your profiles will not get any wrong ideas about you (i.e., incorrectly think that whatever is being complained about regarding you is actually valid, invalidly assume that you approve of and/or welcome less-than-decent-or-positive material, etc.).
I have to laboriously perform a periodic profile-purging for my Facebook and Tagged account-pages every few months, but I find it worthwhile, since most people whom I befriend online tell me that they like what they see in my profiles, and no doubt this is largely because I try to keep them "clean and pristine" so that viewers are not offended as they scroll down the pages.
by QuacksO December 2, 2018
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Deflective Profiling, acronym D.P., noun, adjective, adverb, verb, creating a bias opinion of an individual subject by referring to the entire group that it's associated with.
I have no ill feelings about the color red, however, I do hate with a passion the colors that it takes to create the color red. This is an example of Deflective Profiling.
by vietnamleddy August 20, 2011
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A phony social media account used by trolls to stalk and harass others. Committed trolls can use a dozen account sat once to mob someone on Twitter.
Lorraine's ability to type so fast it lent itself to her online crimes, which included harassment, bullying, stalking, and scamming old people out of money. She can keep up with all the sock puppet profiles at once .
by Ariel Bonzai May 22, 2022
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To change the name and/or appearance of one’s profile as not to be recognised
I can’t find their profile anywhere
“That’s because they did some serious profile masking, bro”
by eemoo1o April 28, 2022
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When you work for an employer for seven years years so he will consent to his daughter marrying you and after 7 years he gives his other daughter who you marry but work another 7 years so you can marry the first daughter (the employer’s second daughter) who you wanted to marry originally and is taking 14 years to pull off.
Why is Jacob still tending Laban’s livestock? Its a case of Rachel profiling.
by Quinto en Camino May 11, 2023
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Untagging yourself from less than desirable pictures on Facebook or deleting or changing certain aspects of your Facebook profile to make yourself seem cooler/better looking/funnier etc.
Person 1: Hey I tried to tag you in a couple photos from the new years album but it said you had already untagged yourself.

Person 2: Ya just doing a little profile housecleaning. I decided they were bringing my Facebook average down.
by RR360 January 12, 2010
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Usually a dating site with tons of fake profiles
Oh hey this dating site has Confirmed profiles only
That's fake
by Aliens are real?!? December 20, 2022
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