A slang word for someone who gets their words mixed up such as the words French horn and Tuba because someone was talking about a French horn and another about a tuba.
There goes the French Tuba guy!
by Cutekittys May 5, 2023
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A small penis, usually still with the foreskin still intact.
“Man that dude I met last night was playing with a small tuba, know what I mean?”
by OldBearEric December 20, 2017
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during an intimate act of manual pleasure on the anatomical vertical male part the performer is also engaging in oral sex in or around the anal area...prior to climax the receiving party performs an act of flatulence.
"oh man, i accidentally gave a hot tuba to my date last night..she might not call"
by medwards7 August 22, 2011
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A sexual move in which a man's limbs are bent in every which way until he resembles a human pretzel (they may break), and the woman puts her mouth around his dick (like one would a mouthpiece) and blows. This will tickle the man, and will make him giggle like a japanese schoolgirl
"Last night was the best. I got a the japanese tuba from this buff russian lady and I had to go to the hospital afterwards ."
by doubledick49 April 14, 2016
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The process of inserting a tuba into your partners anal cavity and attempting to pour beer through the tuba and into the anus. After your remove the tuba and fart out the beer in tune any Irish song.
Dude me and my frat bros did the Irish tuba last night, I’m sore.
by Scubathetuba April 12, 2023
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The most beautiful woman in the world with the heart of an angel. Tubas have the most beautiful eyes you have ever seen. If you come across a Tuba be sure to bag her up because she’s the best thing ever. She perfect.
Look at Tuba over there being all cute
by Thaq November 23, 2021
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