Sergio: That Guy is really bald he looks like Mr.Clean

Sergio: He is like 5'6 so he is short
by WiiiC City November 29, 2021
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A Absolute GiGa Chad with Ginormous balls and a 14 Incher With A Great Personality With a Massive Dumpy and He's fatherless
That Guys such a Sergio guy what's a Sergio a Sergio is a good handsome guy he's an absolute giga Chad unit who will steal ur woman or father because he's a fatherless gay man
by PovYourDadLeftWhenYour30 June 14, 2022
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A sexy boy with a big bury, he smell a little bit bad but its a nice guy
A example is: Who is the prettiest boy in the world? Sergio Lacasa
by Sergio Crush November 22, 2021
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The prettiest boy in SPAIN, is a pretty mulato that will give you a nice time
If you want a pretty mulatito, call Sergio Lacasa
by Sergio Crush November 22, 2021
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Someone Amazing and really funny. Usually really tall and handsome. A Sergio Amador can be an amazing guy who is always making right choices when it comes to help his friends. Let's just say Sergio Amadors can get a lot of hoes who would do anything for their assess to be happy but Sergio Amadors don't see that because they are too busy focusing on other girls.
by can u keep a secret....... September 30, 2017
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A teenager that could have a Thick ass, Could be a cool dude, or a asshole. Sergio Mostly hangout with his Homies or freinds that cared about him. If you don't fuck with him, he doesn't fuck with you. Sergio Nuñez cares about all his freinds that care about him.
Hey alex, Hows that freind of yours
Stephan: Thats Sergio Nuñez
Alex: Hello Sergio Nuñez
by DON'TGIVETOSHITS July 6, 2020
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. When your date wait till the end to just give you a kiss.

I could have ****** you, but I chose not to
My date just Sergio Calixed me.
by Giuben April 22, 2018
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