it's called almond milk because nobody can say nut juice without a straight face
almond milk?
me: you mean nut juice *bursts out in a fit of laughter*
by JESS THE SQUIRREL April 5, 2021
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Sounds like a gay sex thing
we did the almond snicker last night ;)
by Hello it's mee... fergie November 5, 2017
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Having a resemblance to almonds.
"Your eyes are almond-esque! I wish I had their shape."
by BGeezey March 17, 2022
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Eye shape which is longer in width than length in nature,people with almond eyes tend to have part of their iris covered on both sides of each eye,whereas people with doe eyes have white below/above their iris
“I have almond eyes,because they are shaped like almonds,but she has doe eyes because they are wide and resemble that of a does eyes”
by hesse July 18, 2022
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Sunbathing your butthole aka perineum sunning. A fad wellness practice that involves exposing the perineum to sunlight.
You should spend a short time toasting your almond everyday in hopes of having some extra energy throughout the day.
by Mermaidsskeleton March 16, 2021
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A bunch of gay gays trying to be funny
ie - Phil: "what's brown and sticky?"

Neil: "I don't know, what's brown and sticky?"

Phil: "A stick!"

Lee: "shut up you roasted almonds"
by Gammonsteak July 16, 2014
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Damn, when I walk through this abandoned house, I could swear it's covered in floor almonds!
by Trixie1981 June 25, 2018
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