A term used to correlate between obese children and their eccentric body shape. Double Chins, flaps, round arms and turkey legs attribute to the use of this word.
Dan: Good god Jack, that child is very round. Look at his flaps; maybe a few too many cheeseburgers.
Jack: Yeah he is a round child. Look at his elbow... is that cheese stuck to it? Waddle Waddle
by Shadowikia October 11, 2009
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A teenager or adult that has such a strong baby face that they look like a kid in photographs from the neck up, but they are an average adult height or taller and may have adult body proportions. It is strong enough to cause the uncanny valley, especially if it’s a man with a beard.
Haley Joel Osment and Jojo Siwa are notorious stretched children.
by Dr. Sigh January 27, 2021
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"Child privilege" is when a child or teenager uses their child privilege to get what they want. Also referd to as child request
Super effective
Mom can I please have $20 for a new sweater, pleeeeeeeease!? I'm your child.
This child privilege method works because it's your fault there here , and losing $20 isn't that bad. Atleast there not asking for $50 right?
by The_moondover April 8, 2022
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1.a catholic priest

2.a minor that rapes people

3.some middle aged person (typically a man) that wants sex from minors
a white van with a catholic priest drives in front of 2 minors

catholic priest: Hey kids if you come in this nice van i will help you get your sins forgiven (for a price) and give you candy and alcohol

minor 1: No thanks

minor 2: Ya we are good, our parents tell use to beware of catholic priests because they could be a child predetor
by I like cat September 21, 2023
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"hey is that a 12 y/o child doing 12 y/o things in brookhaven?" "yes :|"
by dorrhandle January 3, 2022
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