to go "men on the moon" on someone is to eat a guy out in a dark room. Men on the moon refers to "Where no man has gone before". Also, a song by REM.
Elena: I went men on the moon on my first boyfriend. It was bliss.
by BrendaArets August 31, 2010
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A unit of measurement to signify an astronomical quantity or value.
I need a moons worth of concrete to complete this building.
by thepablo March 12, 2023
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A clear glass with a bubble on the end for smoking meth
He just loaded his moon flute
by ICEANT December 19, 2020
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Super sexy and awesome person that is the best friend you can have. Normally has a huge cock
Kirven Moon is so sexy. I want to fuck him
by GorillaGlizzy December 14, 2021
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A complete bastardization of the most beloved Toei magicial girl anime called Sailor Moon.
The VIZ redub is respectful to the source material unlike the Sailor Moon Dic/Cloverway dub.
by mgree002 May 23, 2023
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Noun: A grenade consisting of tequila, jagermeister and red bull, with a cap of mdma in the bottom of the jager shot. The shot glasses are balanced in the rim of the glass filled with red bull so when you drink the tequila, the shot of jager falls into the cup. Drinking a few of these will get you ready to party, garunteed.
Oh man, Jerry just drank his 6th unicorn moon ride... he's gonna be fucked up!
by MagicalUnicorn09 May 6, 2012
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