A small east Texas town, filled with drama. 99% of the people are fake but the 1% that aren't are amazing people
Anon1: Dude, this place is filled with drama
Anon2: Yeah man, it's Latexo, TX
by IAmNotAnAnon August 1, 2011
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A crappy town to live in. The Mexican women raised there are Dirty disgusting women.
Friona, Tx home of the nasty Calvillo.
by Wtamu June 3, 2018
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Most “Prosper Moms” blindly trust the indoctrination of their children by the school system while they get their hair extensions and lip filler to stay the elite mom in their swings group so their husband will still find them the most attractive. You must drive a black, white, or silver SUV, have teal pots for your outdoor plants, and have purchased your blue check mark on Facebook and Instagram. They pass their insecurities down to their children in the form of social climbing and exclusivity. They buy their adolescent and teenage daughters designer shoes and handbags as a way to elevate them above the other kids their age all while socially engineering their friendships and relationships based on neighborhoods, parents and extracurricular activities.
by Your mom 75 October 12, 2023
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Located east of Houston, in an unincorporated section of Harris county and near the San Jacinto River Waste Pits Superfund Site, sits Highlands TX. Not "The Highlands"... Just Highlands. Don't say it incorrectly here. Old locals think it's the shit. Everyone else thinks it's the armpit of Old Baytown. There's no shortage of drugs, crappy questionable tattoos and random gun shots (no doubt to keep property values down). Most of the eating establishments have perfected incorrect orders and lousy food. Driving through Highlands makes you believe you're in the trailer park capital of the world. How a tornado hasn't wiped it off the map is proof of miracles.
Got my new tat in Highlands TX yesterday. Dude even used a brand new clothes hangar!
by HunkyShamu April 16, 2022
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To hop on a VC where you will debate men kissing.
by PP941 April 12, 2023
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A small town in far north Dallas, comprised of pretentious nouveau riche citizens who think class is defined by your material possessions such as what shoes you wear, handbag you carry or car you drive. Prosper people grew up middle and lower middle class but worked hard to overcompensate for the life they didn’t have growing up.

Prosper parents revel in being considered the “Richest school district in the state” and somehow think money equates to class. They also have the nicest facilities but are hiding the deep debt for their viral schools. Prosper parents are fooled by the rhetoric of it not raising their taxes and are happy to see their Zestimates for their homes go up because this, again, is equated to wealth in their small minds. 75% of the high school students are hungover, taking AP classes with straight A’s with no homework, mediocre SAT scores, a vape pen in their locker and some sort of scripture on their Instagram bio. Prosper students lack any real relationships of substance and have mastered the art of a backhanded compliment.
That’s very Prosper TX of them
by Your mom 75 October 12, 2023
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