Shooting your shot through an instagram dm by sending a snowflake emoji
what's up "sends snowflake emoji"
by whorexxxo October 18, 2020
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A sexual act where whilst the man teabags his partner he ejaculates on their torso.
Would you like to snowflake the teapot tonight love?

Ah lads, I was in the middle of snowflaking the teapot last night when her mum walked in
by 9 leighton terrace June 7, 2009
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When you, or someone else, puts your lover in a wood chopper. The shrapnel coming out the other end of the wood chopper are love snowflakes, tiny chunks of your lover.
Greg: Fred danced in some love snowflakes yesterday.
Ryan: Sick. Did he go to jail?
Greg: Yeah, they caught him.
by autumntothestar October 20, 2009
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When a person wakes up the next morning with remaining dried semen/skeet on their face, and then continues to rub it off as their partner catches the flakes on their tongue. (As if they were catching snowflakes on a winter afternoon)
"Hey, that was great skeeting last night."
"Can we finish it off with some dirty snowflakes?
by Hendrick dick December 5, 2012
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v. After a man ejaculates onto his partner he proceeds to suck his cum into his own mouth then kiss his partner.
Oscar gave me a snowflake kiss. It was a little off-putting.
by thecarhole July 23, 2011
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A Conservative or Trump Supporter who is having a profanity filled rant or meltdown on Social Media over opposing political views or cultural beliefs.

Red Snowflake will hurl profanity laden insults, make threats of violence, boycott, and even go as far as destroying their own expensive personal property to show the world how upset they are. They may also own or have worn a red MAGA Hat for Social Media.

They are triggered by any of the Obamas, Hillary Clinton, the late Sen. McCain, the Russian Collision Investigation, Federal Indictments of Trump Associates, the BLM, Muslims, Gays, Refugees, any Black Athlete who spoke out against Trump, Kaepernick, Nike, Trump’s Impeachment, Hollywood Actors, Illegal Immigrants, Eminem, Welfare, Affirmative Action, Black Superheroes, Non White Disney Leads, David Hogg, Gun Control, Confederate Monuments, Rebel Flags, the #METOO movement any Interracial Relationship on mainstream television, commercials or motion pictures.

Red Snowflakes also behave similarly to White Supremacists and can be easily mislabeled as being Racist while acting racist.
Tim was such a Red Snowflake, he emptied out the Black Pepper Shaker at lunch, because it reminded him of O-Bama!
by Bama_Black99 September 8, 2018
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The term bacopa snowflake is not the beautiful white plant that you are thinking of. The "bacopa snowflake" is much more. If you are defined as a "bacopa snowflake" you should be scared. This means you are as white as a marshmellow. You are as pearly as your grandma's pearl necklace. All in all, you need a tan.
The man over there in all black is such a Bacopa Snowflake.
by jacksepticeye April 5, 2015
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