When you spend an entire day in your pajamas because there's no one else as thug as you and you could care less about what anyone says
Boy 1: I heard Derek wore his pajamas all day yesterday
Boy 2: Awwww no way, he's such a pajama thug
Boy 1: You don't want to mess with him
by hormonally unstable August 25, 2015
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Spiderman: its pajama day?
Deadpool: yea it is
Spiderman: h-ll yea!
Deadpool: lets get out pajamas on
Pajama day is a day just about spideypool!
by Mae likes ice cream April 21, 2021
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That’s the pajamas that belong to a person named Peter. Specifically ones by Peter Pan.
Man: wanna go steal peters pajamas

Other man: yessir
by Sylvasurfer May 21, 2022
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An overnight event where two people get into their pajamas chat, drink, watch a movie, etc and do not engage in sexual activities. May involve platonic cuddlinghowever.
I thought there was potential for Netflix and chill, but we only had a platonic pajama party.
by James M Juice December 23, 2019
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#PajamaCrew started in 2010 and has 17k uses on Tiktok, 5k uses on Instagram, 10k on Twitter and so on.

Also associated with a

Stream Team

Part of a social media company
Pajama Crew Stream Team - Multi-Community of Streamers
by TracySpace November 23, 2021
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antonym: Pants
Synonyms: Pj's

The bottom half of a "one-z" cut in half.
Not to be confused with pants. The way to tell the difference is by looking at the mechanisim holding them up.

Typically pants will use zippers and a button of some sort

Pj bottoms will resort to elastic waist band and pull(tie) string.
Why are you wearing pants to bed instead of pajama bottoms?

You look ridiulous wearing your pajama bottoms in public, go put some pants on!
by The H-Beett May 2, 2009
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