The worst felling ever. You can never ever get rid of it. People will think it’s just people crying . It’s way worst. Depression can lead to anxiety or suicide. Depression is also when ur constantly crying every single second of the day. Putting on fake smiles. Cutting. It takes a long time to stop being depressed and it hurts a lot if u don’t have depression don’t say u do because it’s not something to joke around about. People also fake depression for attention and that’s what gets me mad the most they say they cut but have never proved it the say oh I stabbed myself right here yesterday but it’s gone now. If u stabbed urself it won’t be that fast to get ride of.
by Why... October 20, 2018
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The feeling where you are drowning and watching people above you with life vests on.
The feeling where you think you're useless to the world and the people around you
The feeling of not being good enough
The feeling of being insecure about who you are
The feeling of feeling useless
The feeling where there is nothing inside your soul, and it's just empty.
The feeling of not wanting to live in the hell you are forced to live in
The feeling of wanting to end your life.
Person 1: dude, what's wrong with you?
Depressed person: nothing
Person 1: I know there is something wrong
Depressed person: dude, I'm just tired.
Person 1: just tell me.
Depressed person: depression
Person 1: I know what that feels like.....
Depressed person: no you don't. You know what depression feels like? Not being good enough, feeling useless and worthless, and wanting to end your life. Did that answer your question
by Nobody here March 15, 2015
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Inability to feel any emotion, even sadness. Your mind has dealed with so much misery, that it becomes numb to the emotional pain and feels nothing. Because if this lack of feeling, they are separated from the rest of humans because are ability to be aware of our emotions makes us special. This separation leads to a vague loneliness and the depressed person might find themselves stuck in a black, endless void where their happiness, sadness, anger, excitement, etc used to be. Because of this habitation in this entry void, the depressed person might find life worthless, and may not want to live anymore.
Depression is my life now. Living this way is not living at all. I could just die and because I have no feeling, I won't care.
by CarofineAF April 3, 2016
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Depression feels like emptiness, the constant feeling of no feeling at all and a crave to feel. It feels like you're 10 feet underground and no one can hear your screams for help. Depression feels like a whip that slaps you at random. Sometimes you're hanging out with people, at school, at work, etc. and then the whip comes and slaps you again. You feel like you can't talk to people, you feel like if you open up to them they'll think you're weird or just say, "Get a physiatrist." which is easier said than done. You have to keep in mind that it gets so much worse before it gets better. You might lose friends along the way but true friends will alway be one text or call away. Don't worry about your depression because it will go away. You just need time and patience and some things that can make you smile or laugh. If you're pretty much fully recovered and you get a wave of depression again it will pass in one to two weeks. <3 (This was all from past experiences of me and a friend recovering. If your depression does not start recovering after 10-24 months I recommend seeing a doctor for a proper diagnosis.)
Girl:"I'm finally starting to feel genuinely happy and more confident with myself!"
Boy:"Do you mean your depression is starting to go away?"
Girl:"Yes! I haven't been this happy in so long!"

Boy:"We should celebrate!"
by Kaylyn :) July 26, 2017
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Depression is when you feel like you are going to cry almost everyday, always thinking about bad memories, possibly even feeling suicidal. I am 13 years old, and I suffer from Depression. Its sad, because I feel like nobody loves me, and I constantly always hear sentence enhancers, or swear words, all the time. All the time everyday I feel like crying, almost stuck in this pit of sadness, loneliness, and regret. I haven't told any of my family members because I think they'll say Im stupid and tell me to stop whining like the little baby I am. Please dont take this as a joke, I just want help.
by Saddepressedperson November 5, 2018
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