Clayton - Cary Like Area, Yankees Trying Out Now...
CLAYTON NC- Cary Like Area Yankees Trying Out Now
by Thunder4God April 23, 2011
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clayton nc is a nice little suburb that sucks ass. I cant believe that there are people that join groups called "herpes is forever". That must mean they have herpes. and also there are too many sluts at clayton hig school, if u join that one and say stop being jealous; then wow. There are some trueley retarded people too. Like when people put up things about doing drugs, how dumb are they? thats why u get busted with herpes. and some people at clayton have mutant herpes with big craps. just sayin, clayton sucks. dont talk to people who brag about herpes, bc u can get herpes from walking through clayton.
well once in Clayton, NC there was a lad who went to clayton and got brain herpes
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Pure Awsome and best at fortnite
Clayton Fry is awsome
by Ace Card November 6, 2018
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An egotistical asshole who can talk shit over text but cant say anything when he sees you he is a very unattractive gay bitch
Wow how can anyone like Clayton Fountain he is such a little bitch
by Bigballer8969 March 11, 2018
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Clayton High School is the only high school in the small town of Clayton, NC. The administration is full of incompetant losers and every now and then you may find a pedafile teacher who fornicates with students on the regular. Weekends consist of only: smoking weed, drinking, and doing exctacy.

Everybody who attends this school thinks they are either a rapper or in a gang. Sluts and whores are commonly seen wandering the halls, ecspecially in the FRESHMAN building. STDs infect the MAJORITY of students at Clayton High, therefore over 75% of blood from the blood drives is thrown away.
Amber: Hey sexy, What high school did you go to?
James: Clayton High School
James: (thinks to self) I should have never bent over them freshmen sluts at Clayton High....
by GEO1432 April 16, 2010
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The phrase "Clayton Wong 6B" was used to say "Big Black Monkey Boy" without looking racist and sounding offensive and proved to be effective and supposedly funny. Now, this means "Cool person", no more racism included!!! This change was made in order to stop people from witch-hunting and give this originally offensive word a new and better meaning. -ilikefortnite123

TLDR, Cool person/friend
He is such a Clayton Wong 6B, i want to be like him!!!
by Clayton Wong 6B April 20, 2023
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Clayton High School in the desolate town of Clayton NC is the dwelling to several species of hooligans, some of which include; Jocks with gay tendencies, Bitches who are so religious that they would give their kidneys to children in Africa, teachers who have openly dated students and still works here, too many sluts & child molesters to count, And staff that is compiled of old women with mullet perms, Middle aged men in mid-life crises and several phantom custodial staff that only appear on empty halls. All in all the dilapidated campus welcomes mold variants, crusty juveniles and skanky-hoes alike. Its a cumets life for me.
Teacher: "Hey Addison"
Addison: 'Hey Teacher"
Teacher: "Where should we fuck?"
Addison: "The Clayton High School bathroom, it smells like weed."
by Mamasaymamasawmamacacakoosaw December 6, 2014
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