shit talkas
hey your a shit talka no im not?!!
by thefogiscoming5885 February 27, 2023
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when you shit yourself and then make a fucking scene about it because you’re booty-assed.
kira made a shit scene in walmart last night! what a fucking dick coin!
by niggletwithstds February 20, 2019
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After eating the food at Fitchburg State University and your stuck on the toilet right after and get stuck there longer than you want to be.
The worst feeling after eating at FSU is the Daka Shits
by September 25, 2022
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After eating at Fitchburg State University’s daka you get back and have to get to the nearest toilet because it tears up your insides and gives the daka shits and your stuck there for an hour.
The daka shits often comes out more than you ate
by YankeeB2003 September 25, 2022
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Someone:I just won a a championship

Protagonist:Well shit on a biscuit that's f****** great my friend
by Random Fucker 1212 July 29, 2022
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When your wild-eyed cat starts going insane, tear-assing around the house because he has to take a dump. After about ten minutes of this, he will then run towards the litter box, and come back into the room all calm and serene.
"Hah!! Peter Fucking Steele has the shit crazies! Looks like the little guy has a growler at the back door!"
by Adele Phytler November 29, 2015
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Freeloading off your parents money to buy gasoline + drive while living in their basement + talkin smack on the internet
You guys avoided rent again this year.....and your 29......King Shit!!
by Justboughtacondo February 10, 2022
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