An extremely well groomed male with an average size male penis. The Chad is 6’4, has a six pack, is extremely well mannered and respectful, and is really good at soccer. He has a vision impairment, ticklish balls, and a lust for travel. If you ever come across The Chad, count your lucky stars - cause there’s only one out there.
The Chad always opens the door for me when we go on dates
by Olly Browny December 5, 2018
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Typically used to describe somebody who is a fuck wit, dumbass, or retard.
Quit being such a fucking Chad.
Ya fuckin Chad.
by That Canadian guy March 23, 2018
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Chad is so Gay
by JimboSlice5 July 5, 2018
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A chad is an antisocial person who plays too much video games, a chad is also semi retarded. Every group of chads has a James who is the most extreme chad out of the group a James is also very smelly and fully retarded.
“I think I might be a chad

“That group of chads definitely has a James in it”
by Lord Chad XL April 21, 2020
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Chad *a thing* Commonly referred to as "chav" or "little shit" is a whiny, little creature that spends all it's available money on Fortnite Skins and listens to screamy soundcloud rappers from LA, usually blonde with blue eyes and strut around in packs of what are called the "mandem"
me: god thats so cringe
mick: dont you mean thats so chad
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