A condition in which a writer or author cannot feasibly type words onto their computer and every last drop of inspiration soup has been drank and nothing is coming to mind that would make sense or not sound like bulls* and all your friends are expecting you to finish chapter 13 and wondering weather or not billy the fantastic will make his way out of the cave or be stuck there forever.

Also known as "Ihatemyself" syndrome that can also cause yourself to bang your head repeatedly into your keyboard and hoping any of the blood spilled on the letters will bring something into your head to replace said blood and allow you to continue your story.
"Bob: Is Jeff finishing that book?
Jane: No, he told me he has Writer's Block."
by Potat 1 August 12, 2022
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The most internet addicted, departed from reality, 24 year old Tumblr users, usually fat person. They write semi-sarcastic incredibly safe definitions that include personal opinion
Person 1: wow that person is a little bitch they must be an Urban Dictionary writer
Urban Dictionary writer: *cries*
by November 29, 2021
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A writer's circadian rhyme and rhythm clock, now as it happens then as it is.
"Sorry for texting so early. I didn't notice the tyhme* til after I sent it. Writer's Clock."
by PartisanZ September 9, 2023
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A person who has unlimited power and knowledge despite being something like a Discord mod. Also, the best part is that they share their knowledge with you for free. Rumour is, most people don't know to become a Wiki Page Writer.
I write Wiki pages as a Wiki Page Writer
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Someone who takes your writing ideas and publishes them before you have a chance to.
"You get that idea on screenplay yet?"

"nah, dang ninja writer already released a movie on it."
by NCrash December 9, 2011
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When a writer stands up after a long period of writing and all of their joints click.
Person 1: "Hey what was that sound?"
Person 2: "Oh sorry I have writer's clicks."
by Underscore101 June 18, 2021
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Rampant in "chain of command" situations --- especially the military and "mega-biz" establishments --- whereby everybody wants to push underlings around but then hastily "passes the buck" and claims ignorance/innocence when things go sour. Refers to the deplorable practice of an arrogant/dictatorial/irresponsible/ignorant a**h**e with way too much power ("authority") giving unwise/ineffective/counter-productive orders to one or more hapless underlings, brusquely refusing to listen to their urgently-beseeching appeals about the fallacy/unfairness/danger of proceeding as he told them, but then suddenly shedding all knowledge/responsibility (i.e., not admitting that he was indeed the "author" of those crazy stipulations) regarding said preposterous directives whenever s**t hits the fan afterwards as a result of his subordinates' having reluctantly-but-obediently carried out his unwisely-mandated actions.
I long ago decided to not just blindly/arbitrarily follow orders/rules/laws, no matter what position or experience or education/training that their "authors" happened to supposedly possess... I **always** use my own judgement/conscience in all my actions. Too many times in the past, I've gotten in knee-deep doo-doo MYSELF for someone else's screw-ups in reasoning/planning, only to have said "idiot in power" pull da ol' "ghost writer" AUTHORity trick on me, never admitting or even falsely denying ever having told me to proceed that way, just so that HE would not have to suffer any of the fallout from his own preposterous directives.
by QuacksO August 25, 2018
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