The psychological state of not wanting to engage in conversation with any girls in which the person finds attractive
The horny male was certainly not torring. He really wanted to speak to some hot women.
by mrsquizlet February 3, 2023
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Torr is the best guy in the whole world. Torrs loves airplanes, traveling, french culture, and nerdy blonde girls. He is a real take-home-to-mom kind of guy who is sweet to everyone and really has his stuff together. He is relationship-centered and cares deeply about the people in his life. Torr is going to be very successful one day and puts in a lot of hard work to be the best at whatever he is involved in, but this doesn't take away from how much he values people. He is a follower of Jesus and strives to become more like Jesus everyday. Torr is also a real hottie with the prettiest blue eyes ever and a cute butt!

Oh I see you are hot and speak french, you must be a Torr!
by chipmunkfan54 September 8, 2021
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the best girl ever honestly her friends are so lucky she is a taurus who makes everybody the best ever like honestly
‘your great you just be a layla torr doppelgänger!’
by laytorr March 4, 2021
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a girl who is usually tall blonde and full of herself. she most likely is vsco and is the person to paint there walls blue. she's that one girl who's 2 faced and she usually has blue eyes. she says she's tan when she's blank white. overall she's a good person to be around just not if your a sibling. she tends to put others in front of sibling. she has a good laugh and knows nothing about Jesus. she's a great person tho who loves hot dogs but tries to kill dogs
Savannah torres gave a dog chocolate
by not julie:) October 26, 2020
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