Capital city of New Zealand, also known as Wellywood due to it being the home of Weta Studios (special effects geni behind Lord of the Rings and King Kong).

Wellington has some of the coolest graffiti in the world due to its political nature.

Lots of hills, good for keeping pedestrians fit.
My thighs are so toned coz I just spent 2 weeks making a short film in Wellington
by flatscreenface June 28, 2007
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The act of forcing a females hand upon your own crotch in the attempt to receive a hand job, all without prior touching, kissing, or foreplay of any kind.
Female 1: Last night he gave me a Wellington.

Female 2: What? No titty or ass grabbing, whatsoever?

Female 1: Nope, just a straight Wellington.
by Dr. Derelicte June 1, 2010
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Wellington is a name given to sons of nobles , sons of wealthy families. Wellingtons are generally thoughtful extremely euphoric , interact a lot with people and are good listeners , very atractive and good boyfriends
“Hi Wellington, how are you
Can you be my Boyfriend Wellington?”
by RICARDINHO X.0 November 21, 2021
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place. Only the best city in New Zealand! Struth! From the beehive-shaped legislative buildings to the furnicular railroad that takes you down to the cricket rink there is little about Wellington that won't stop your heart with its grandeur.

Taken off the natives by enterprising Europeans in the seventeenth century, Wellington was rapidly developed into a pasture for sheep.

Rugby is played a bit but the terrain isn't really favourable and the people are more likely to follow lawn bowling or rounders.
Wellington is nearly as pretty as Christchurch and, with a good bit of work, could be as interesting as Auckland.

Without the first-class rugby.

by gnostic 1 December 9, 2012
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A wide, gaping vagina, reminiscent of a trusty rubber boot.
Given that Sandra was sporting a Wellington, Bernard was left with only a shallow suspicion that he was in fact having sex.
by BennyBwai September 23, 2011
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The last drop of urine that inevitably, no matter how much you shake, ends up in your underpants.
"You have a wet patch on your new rad briefs"

"Yeah i had a slash over there and i got a Wellington"
by Tr3nches July 11, 2008
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Alternative name (popular in Great Britian) for water-proof boots. Also another term for romo or Raging Homosexual. 'Wellingtonians' often talk about what they want to do, but never do it - instead they have gay anal secks, possibly also felching of giraffes and anal-insertion of quails whilst tonguing each other and thinking "I'm not gay I'm not gay".
Wellingtonian 1: "Oh no, my bike is dirty somehow - I mean I never ride it!"
Wellingtonian 2: "Sorry, Robbie pulled out early and my neopolitan-coloured ass juice spluttered all over it"
Wellingtonian 1: "What a you mind if I lick it?"
Wellingtonian 2: "There's more where that came from..."

-later on-

Non-wellingtonian: "You guys been riding much lately?"
Wellingtonians: *giggle* "Yeah, but not our bikes!"
Non-wellingtonian: "WTF? That's fucking Wellington!"
by Jamaican Meornay September 2, 2007
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