When your on top of the clouds, (cloud nine if you will). Awake for days on a substance and feeling great. turnt lit
"Nothing can stop us, we're all the way up!"
by Kerri4real December 15, 2016
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What bosses say to employees to get their hopes up about doing something good in their career when they really never get a promotion or anything.
Employee: When will I become manager?
Boss: Work your way up.
by careertyut August 8, 2012
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To begin kissing on someone's feet and make your way up to their face while kissing.
Person 1:"Oh man you want believe what happened last night!"
Person 2:"Did kiss your way up with Jannie like you did with Mary?"
by Roxsin August 12, 2021
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a situation which you can not deal with, (cannot remove or shove in the saw 'coz either ways your ass is torn) or leave it as it is...
a situation in which no matter what you do you are fucked...
do and die, don't do and still die situation...
tony: hey, how is jimmy's relationship thingy goin on?
sam: dont ask! looks like jimmy's got the saw half way up the ass...
by chantyruby November 7, 2010
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