Waking up in the morning with the special one beside and engaging in affectionate activities.
"How was your night with (insert name)?"
"Great. We ate dinner, saw a movie, and went back home with a few friends to look at the new house. I woke up the next morning, did a rollover, and we ate breakfast on the beach."
by LookOutAbove April 4, 2007
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When your boyfriend rolls on top of you in the middle of the night and proceeds to have his way with you.
I did the rollover last night...I don't remember it but she said it was good.
by the two Sjas August 5, 2010
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A fart that rolls over a turd on its way out of the b hole. Literally exits the body smelling like poo.
Angie really cleared the room with that rollover!
by ruffles mc ridges December 3, 2009
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When you wake up first thing to roll your morning chub out.

A habit of middle aged men

But not limited too that age bracket

There's also vicious variations like the double rollover the nitrous rollover
The triple double and the crocodile rollover.
Dude John admitted he rolls over in the morning!

Damn... The rollover? What a degenerate.
by Mreapr January 27, 2021
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Waking the next morning with in a drunken stupor similar to the one had the night before.
I woke up with such a rollover, I couldn't drive!
by James November 18, 2004
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When a bus driver (usually over 50) goes 75mph in a school zone. Ploughing over several innocent special-ed children.
"I Watched Harry's dad do a rollover last night, he's in prison for 17 years now lol."
by Trancake June 30, 2022
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n. A term cused commonly in Kingdom of Loathing, signalling the time between the previous day and the next in the Kingdom. Maintenance time in the Kingdaom.
"When is rollover?"
"Did rollover happen yet tonight?"
"The system is down due to rollover."
by Thnikkaman3000 February 16, 2005
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