1. One of the largest empires in history, and where the sun never sets

2. A genocidal, arrogant, racist, society of assholes, and looters that plundered and looted nations

3. The reason South Asia is made fun of

4. Reasons for most of the problems in the world

5. Some thing british people are overly proud of, and will not accept that it was brutal and racist towards its colonies
Britisher: Our empire was the largest and the best empire in the world.

Person under the rule: * Whipser*But it was really racist toward us
Another Person under the rule: IKR all they did was loot us, and never do anything good to us

Every British person in a 10 mile radius: How dare you insult our glorious british empire, bitch.
by The Indian Shrek June 17, 2020
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Murdering, racist land thieves who raped and plundered the planet for centuries, making England one of the more hated countries on earth to this day.
Despite what Englishmen and their lovely egos will tell you, the British Empire is rotting in history's garbage dump where it belongs.
by Mr. Blond October 21, 2007
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