The seal of approval for vagina taste test. If the vagina doesn't taste like bottled water, something is wrong with it. Probably infected, defected, reflected, and should be rejected That is an indicator of uncleanliness on the female's part. Means she is probably a filthy dirty slut and you should terminate on sight.
In the Future song "Long Live the Pimp"

Future states "Bad yellow bitch and her pussy taste like water"

This bad yellow bitch obviously passed the water test.
by jusdndouglas March 6, 2013
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The way a gay friend might very slowly introduce the idea that he would like to see if he can convert you.
Man 1: Last night I was talking to one of my buddies online and he told me in the middle of the conversation the he just finished masturbating.

Man 2: Dude I think he was Testing the Gay Waters.
by I got you back September 20, 2009
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