Someone or something thats half stupid.

See stupid.
Man, I think you a stup.
by Cabanaman November 1, 2004
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His server was very STUP and stupid.
by Trafton March 9, 2003
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can be used by itself to describe a funny but stupid comment, action, or person.
"I was drinking milk and I spilled it all over myself"
by Amon February 25, 2004
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Somone stupid enough to think that "Stup" means "shut up".
Fred: Dude, I don't wanna deal with it! STUP!!!
Barney: Fred, you are stup; stup doesn't mean "shut up" you jive stup.
by The Dusseldwarf November 12, 2007
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Pronounced Stoop

A stupid person
One who is stupid
Some one says something stupid
You "Your sucha stup!"
by Trigga Pankakes April 26, 2011
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