You:lolololol I 5 year old ghjhfyh lmao get rekt lolol
Me:stfu kid
by Kill yourselves June 6, 2018
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A song by Pink Guy.
Recommended when somebody is annoying you.
Random person: says something annoying
Me: plays STFU
by Herr Shrek January 23, 2020
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a nice acronym to use in texting
Friend: stfu
Me: omg ur so nice, u said "Saved Tacos For You"
by campbutmakeit_concentration_ January 12, 2020
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A way of saying "shut the fuck up", instead of actually typing it. Has less meaning than actually typing "shut the fuck up", and is often said by people that are losing an argument or can't think of a comeback.
Guy A: "You just contradicted yourself. Twice."

Guy B: "faggit"

Guy A: "Yeah, that's what I thought, you can't think of anything, loser."

Guy B: "stfu"

Guy C: Just admit you lost, Guy B.
by Arch0wl May 16, 2005
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Shut the fuck up.

Or, if you're in AP U.S. history, the Southern Tenant Farmers Union.
The AAA told the STFU to STFU
by bishthemighty February 21, 2011
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When you honestly say something retarded, making you look like a retard, you're told "stfu :|"

Tbh you're not even funny at all, nobody fucking laughed. it's okay though, as long as you're not a retard, you can use this on people.

You: stfu :|
by LordMaple March 21, 2021
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