Using Google as a Spell Check. More specifically the "Did You Mean?"/Suggestions features to spell words or names. Either because you don't know how to spell or because your Cell Phone's predictive text didn't have the word, making you second guess how something is spelled.
One wants to change his/her Facebook status to "falling in class is SOO embarrassing", but doesn't want to be emberased by missplelling embarasing, so one Spoogles it very quickly to double check. Hence Spoogling.
by GT40Spec August 16, 2009
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Like a doona that you can wear, some people can wear them out of the house.. Not recommended. Its got funny ads on TV.
It's so cold! I'll just pop my spoogle on.
by Holz+Leash. June 13, 2009
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Talking to one person, having sexual and romantic relations without officially dating.
So are you and that girl dating yet?

Nah we're still spoogles.
by Benni3674 January 3, 2010
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1.The mix of a fish and a gorilla bearing a jetpack;fish body and tail and gorilla arms and legs. Has gigantic sharp teeth.
2.Any person who is involved in sex with animals.
by Dane Johnson and Steve Houle November 11, 2004
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The number someone or a bot adds to the channel limit (shortly) after someone has joined, for flood control purposes.
15:02 * mf spoogles the channel with +2 spoogleness
15:02 -!- mode/#channel (+l 38) by mf
by mf March 17, 2005
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One who is chemically dependent on male cum, or "spoogle", to the point they become addicted, or "fiendish",or one who enjoys the feeling of male jism on their faces,so much so,they become fiendish in their attempt to get their face splattered by cock juice...can often lead to gay sex.
Ex. "Hes such a fag!" -Ben
"No, "fag" doesnt begin to explain how much he loves cum! HES A SPOOGLE FIEND!!!" -Robert

Ex. Over the years Sharla's fascination with sucking cock has gotten her addicted to swallowing and such sexual activity led her to become a spoogle fiend.

by C-Bud January 30, 2006
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Dried/Crusted remnants of semen found stuck to public hair. Spoogle berries can cause discomfort if stuck to multiple hairs.
It took atleast 10 minutes to wash the spoogle berries off my chode this morning.

My girlfriend said her minge looked like a spoogle berry bush when she woke up.
by nemajnsf July 13, 2009
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