to squirt heroin that has been "cooked up" into your nose for whatever reason.
Dawg,that guy shebang'ed his skag cuz his rig was shot.
by miosis March 5, 2004
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thing, item, etc.

Usually used as "the whole shebang" meaning "the whole thing"
by The Evenstar October 16, 2003
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The entirety of a group of things.
I saw the entire Barbie fashion collection, but only asked for the shoes and ended up with the whole shebang!
by Monkeygurl October 20, 2003
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a female who fucks females with strapons up the ass. waterworks are involved as well.
by luvaman October 18, 2003
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noun:1)Everything, the total amount.
2)an event comprised of females in which all participants are having finger sex.
That was one hell of a shebang on the Spice channel last night. I watched every second, the whole shebang!
by the search October 18, 2003
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the lyrics from that gay ricki martin song
shebang she shebang watever the hell that means
by dr. CHAOS October 18, 2003
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