A short but loving girl. May seem quiet at first, but when you get to know her she is a lot of fun to be with and always makes you feel warm inside when around her. She is very respectful to others but also expects it back. You won’t regret going that extra mile to know her a bit more.
“I was talking to shauni yesterday, she’s so funny” - Bob
“Oh, didn’t know she speaks” - Jon
by Abclookatme November 10, 2019
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noun. Nickname for a gymnast who has red hair. Is the hero of many and can do flips on a trampoline. However, he is no where near as attractive at Matty.
Kristy: Hey Pen, are you seeing Shauny at gym this arvo?
Penny: Yeh I think so
by kristylee777 May 24, 2006
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A Dunkin’ Donuts iced coffee drink that’ll be the best thing you’ve ever put in your mouth

Six pumps of Caramel swirl

Six pumps of coconut

And extra extra cream
Yo I just went to Dunkin’ Donuts and got me a shaunie special
by Dirtyd December 3, 2018
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sending nudes to every boy accessible over Instagram, while yu have a boyfriend, and then playing the victim's card when the boyfriend finds out.
dude 01: yo Shaun sent me nudes, isnt she dating dude 03?
dude 02: yoo Shaun sent me nudes too, what is she doing?
dude 01: ahh, she gonna pull a shaunie...
by NethsKays June 2, 2020
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A Dirty Shaunie is when you accidentally fall onto a dick and instantly regretted it and then you make up a crazy story to get you off and away from the dick you accidentally fell on
"Omg I pulled a dirty shaunie last night! So embarrassing had to get out of there, told him my goldfish's nan died!"
by Shaunie91:) January 28, 2021
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A complete idiot.
Someone who has delusions of grandeur.
A child trapped in a grown mans body.
That stupid Shauny T thinks he's so cool.
by Judge Death November 9, 2004
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An immature indavidual, who's mental age is a good 15 years lower than his physical age and has a tendency to overuse the word 'hardcore'.
That idiot Shauny T thinks he is really hardcore.
by Gorgeous Gloria November 9, 2004
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