When something is very sandy.
Andy, that desert was very sandness.
by LisaDaBeast March 18, 2019
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Something that one would get in one's vagina, as to cause irritation and a bad mood.
by mark little March 9, 2004
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Old fashioned: (1) Courage, "It takes a lot of sand to face me down!"; (2) resolution, "It took a lot of sand for him to accomplish that task." See synonyms for Man Manly macho
see above
by D. Andrew Clark November 29, 2003
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To use persuasive and often dishonest tactics behind people's backs in order to achieve one's own personal, and often deviant, goals.

Rooted form Sheldon Jeffrey SANDS; a character from the movie "Once Upon a Time in Mexico."
He was Sandsing around to make sure Chad's girlfriend would leave Chad and be with him.
by Shockazooloo May 23, 2007
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(Verb) to get all up in someone’s shit the way sand gets in your ass crack.
by FamilyJulsie April 7, 2018
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