She usually is a girl who dresses like a boy and she sexy af her voice is so calm and peaceful and she’s a loyal one I’m thankful I got a sanai 🏳️ 🌈
by sanai April 6, 2019
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korean word to describe anyone who acts like a "real man"
damn that thug is such a sanai
by true korean sanai December 1, 2011
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Sanai is the type of person who is really caring and gentle.( on the inside) she has a shell where she act like she don't care but once you show your loved for them they break that shell.
by xolo.g December 19, 2022
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The most Hindu person ever. Usually found behind the counter at 7 Eleven.
Sanay is Hindu
by PseudonymUnknown2U February 17, 2011
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Sanai is a very, very short person and can sometimes be annoying. She thinks wayyyyy to much of herself.
Friend: Omg She`s super short
Me: Gotta be Sanai
by how.many.horses February 10, 2022
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